Results for 'Santos Campos Leza'

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  1. Misión de la Universidad y reforma universitaria.Santos Campos Leza - 2002 - El Basilisco 32:23-30.
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    Spinoza on Justice.Andre Santos Campos - 2016 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 21 (1):127-143.
    Spinoza studies have paid little attention to the concept of justice for centuries. However, he refers to it quite often in different contexts, especially in his mature texts. More specifically, he defines it as synonymous with suum cuique tribuere, even though he fails to provide a reasonable account of how this traditional legal expression fits into his philosophical system. This article shows that there is a relevant philosophical dimension in Spinoza’s treatment of the suum cuique that emerges out of his (...)
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    Justiça Intergeracional: a Temporalidade da Política como Resposta à Pergunta “Quais são os Nossos Deveres em Relação às Gerações Futuras?Andre Santos Campos - 2015 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 71 (1):119-145.
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    An Inquiry into a Normative Concept of Legal Efficacy.Andre Santos Campos - 2016 - Ratio Juris 29 (4):460-477.
    This essay argues that legal efficacy understood as existent binding force and as dominance of a system of coercion vis-à-vis competing systems is not strictly a matter of fact, but involves what can be termed justified normativity in a factual context. The argument is divided into four sections. The first three sections describe different dimensions of a normative concept of legal efficacy applied to legal systems: efficacy as persuasiveness, as indirect communication, and as constitutive obedience. The final section focuses on (...)
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  5. Social Evolution as Moral Truth Tracking in Natural Law.Filipe Nobre Faria & André Santos Campos - 2021 - Politics and the Life Sciences 41 (1):76 - 89.
    Morality can be adaptive or maladaptive. From this fact come polarizing disputes on the meta-ethical status of moral adaptation. The realist tracking account of morality claims that it is possible to track objective moral truths and that these truths correspond to moral rules that are adaptive. In contrast, evolutionary anti-realism rejects the existence of moral objectivity and thus asserts that adaptive moral rules cannot represent objective moral truths, since those truths do not exist. This article develops a novel evolutionary view (...)
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    Machiavelli's Discourses on Livy: New Readings.Diogo Pires Aurélio & Andre Santos Campos (eds.) - 2021 - Boston: BRILL.
    Original scholarly essays by leading philosophers, which bring to life Machiavelli’s lengthiest and most challenging work.
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  7. Intergenerational Justice Today.Andre Santos Campos - 2018 - Philosophy Compass 13 (3):e12477.
    A theory of intergenerational justice consists in the study of the moral and political status of the relations between present and past or future people, more specifically, of the obligations and entitlements they can potentially generate. The challenges that justify talking about responsibilities between generations are myriad. And the disputes they prompt can focus on the past just as much as on the present, even though the fact that the human species has reached a state of technological progress that enables (...)
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    A autonomia do direito como imanência interdisciplinar: reflexões a partir da querela entre Gustav Hugo e Hegel.André Santos Campos - 2011 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 56 (3):26-37.
    In the debate between the Historische Rechtschule (Hugo and Savigny) and Hegel about who is legitimately entitled to develop legal theory, the former considered philosophy of law to be inherent to systematic science of law, whereas the latter considered the concept of Law in a necessary transdisciplinary dialectic – there would then be a difference between ‘the jurists’ philosophy of law’ and ‘the philosophers’ philosophy of law’. I will demonstrate that such distinction cannot stand. A ‘jurists’ philosophy of law’ does (...)
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    Aquinas’s lex iniusta non est lex: a Test of Legal Validity.Andre Santos Campos - 2014 - Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 100 (3):366-378.
    Legal positivism understands natural law as performing classifying connections between morality and law as tests of legal validity: if a norm with some pretence to legality contradicts a moral good, it cannot be called a legal norm. The new natural law school, however, claims that natural law develops qualifying connections between morality and law: tests of legal validity are performed by non-moral criteria such as due enactment or efficacy, and morality determines not what the law is, but rather which law (...)
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    The Negative Legislator: Machiavelli’s Popular Epistemocracy in the Discourses on Livy.Andre Santos Campos - forthcoming - Jus Cogens:1-22.
    In the Discourses on Livy, Machiavelli maintains that the people is often superior epistemically to princes. This forms the outlines of an argument from popular epistemocracy. However, in light of his theory of humours, how can governance belong to the most epistemically capable if they are driven solely by a negative desire? How can the best decisions regarding domination be made by those who only have a desire to not dominate? This paper develops the thesis that the people’s negative humours (...)
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  11. Laws of nature.André Santos Campos - 2015 - In Andre Santos Campos, Spinoza: Basic Concepts. Burlington, VT, USA: Imprint Academic.
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    Infant political agency: Redrawing the epistemic boundaries of democratic inclusion.Andre Santos Campos - 2019 - Sage Publications: European Journal of Political Theory 21 (2):368-389.
    European Journal of Political Theory, Volume 21, Issue 2, Page 368-389, April 2022. Epistemic impairment has been the decisive yardstick when excluding infants from political agency. One of the suggestions to bypass the epistemic requirement of political agency and to encourage the inclusion of infants in representative democracies is to resort to proxies or surrogates who share or advocate interests which may be coincidental with their interests. However, this solution is far from desirable, given that it privileges the political agency (...)
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  13.  84
    The Rights of Future Persons under Attack: Correlativity in the Non-Identity Problem.Andre Santos Campos - 2019 - Philosophia 47 (3):625-648.
    This paper aims at answering some of the objections to the NIP’s criticism of the idea of rights of future persons. Those objections usually adopt different perspectives depending on how they understand differently the nature of the correlativity between rights and duties – some adopt a present-rights-of-future-persons view, others a future-rights-of-future-persons view, others a transitive present-rights-of-present-persons view, and others still an eternalist view of rights and persons. The paper will try to show that only a non-transitive present-rights-of-present-persons view can survive (...)
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  14.  26
    Complexity and categorical analysis may improve the interpretation of agreement studies using continuous variables.Cristina Costa‐Santos, João Bernardes, Luís Antunes & Diogo Ayres‐de‐Campos - 2011 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 17 (3):511-514.
  15.  33
    The Moral Entitlements of Future Persons: Expectancies and Prospective Beneficiaries.Andre Santos Campos - 2024 - The Journal of Ethics 28 (1):125-143.
    This paper develops a future-oriented and person-centred normative argument based on expectancies that is immune to most of the problems identified in the rights of future persons. The argument unfolds in four parts. The first draws on the notion of expectancies present in inheritance law and maintains that it is possible to formulate a rule of prospective beneficiaries that correlates with entitlements and legitimate claims without necessarily acquiring the status of rights. The second extends expectancies to future persons and concludes (...)
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  16. The individuality of the state in Spinoza's political philosophy.Andre Santos Campos - 2010 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 92 (1):1-38.
    The place of the State in Spinoza's ontology has emerged in scholarly literature as one of the most complex issues involving Spinoza's political thought. At issue is whether Spinoza's State is an actual individual with its own conatus . Some consider it a completely real individual, others say that its individuality can only be metaphoric, whilst others point out the conceptual insufficiency of this polarity for explaining the ontological status of political aggregates and try to overcome it through new concepts, (...)
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  17.  36
    The future-oriented franchise: Instituting temporal electoral circles.Andre Santos Campos - 2024 - European Journal of Political Theory 23 (4):499-521.
    In representative democracies, the absence of responsiveness by elected officials to the interests of the represented often generates problems of legitimacy, accountability and effectiveness. However, responsiveness also tends to narrow the time horizons of democratic decision-making and promote short-termism. This paper advances the notion that responsiveness to interests involving distant time horizons is possible by reconfiguring the franchise in a time-sensitive and future-oriented way. It is divided into two parts. The first pinpoints a few inconsistencies in the available proposals for (...)
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    Infant political agency: Redrawing the epistemic boundaries of democratic inclusion.Andre Santos Campos - 2022 - European Journal of Political Theory 21 (2):368-389.
    Epistemic impairment has been the decisive yardstick when excluding infants from political agency. One of the suggestions to bypass the epistemic requirement of political agency and to encourage the inclusion of infants in representative democracies is to resort to proxies or surrogates who share or advocate interests which may be coincidental with their interests. However, this solution is far from desirable, given that it privileges the political agency of parents, guardians and trustees over other adult citizens. This article offers an (...)
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    Spinoza's revolutions in natural law.Andre Santos Campos - 2012 - New York, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    The book forms a balanced structure in which the three conceptual pillars of Spinoza's natural law theory (individuality, natural laws, and power) are first analyzed from the viewpoint of his ontology and then from the viewpoint of his ...
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  20.  13
    The Role of Toleration in Spinoza’s Epistemic Democracy.Andre Santos Campos - 2024 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 72 (3):129-148.
    Spinoza’s Theological-Political Treatise (TTP) contains two main arguments for toleration, one theological, the other political. In light of the latter, the capacity for judging is embedded in each individual’s power and cannot be overcome or dismissed. The individual, not the state, is the subject par excellence of judgment concerning the true and the good. In the Political Treatise (TP), however, multiplicity takes centre stage. The multitude, a concept that Spinoza had seldom used until then, appears to emphasise that the more (...)
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    The semi-future constitution: entrenching future-oriented constitutional interpretation.Andre Santos Campos - 2023 - Jurisprudence 14 (3):374-395.
    A recent trend in futures studies has called for strengthening the inclusion of future generations in constitutional law. This is problematic from a practical and a normative viewpoint. This paper introduces a future-oriented theory of democratic constitutionalism that overcomes originalism (which privileges the past) and living constitutionalism (which privileges the present) without resorting to the explicit constitutional protection of the yet unborn. It is divided into five sections. The first challenges the notion that the constitutional entrenchment of the non-overlapping future (...)
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  22.  9
    Grotius's Interdisciplinarity Between Law And Political Philosophy.Andre Santos Campos - 2009 - Philosophical Frontiers: A Journal of Emerging Thought 4 (2).
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    Hasana Sharp. Spinoza and the Politics of Renaturalization: Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2011, pp. xii + 242, £ 21.38 . ISBN: 978-0-226-75074-3.Andre Santos Campos - 2012 - Journal of Value Inquiry 46 (4):481-484.
  24.  53
    Justificatory Moral Pluralism in Climate Change.Andre Santos Campos & Sofia Guedes Vaz - 2022 - SATS 23 (1):75-96.
    This paper adopts justificatory moral pluralism – a multilevel framework for justifying the choice by different agents of the most appropriate norms and values to guide their decisions and actions – to climate change. Its main objective is to investigate how ethics may effectively help achieve a better result in deciding how to mitigate, adapt, or compensate by enhancing the moral acceptability of the available policies or actions that are most likely to counter the effects of climate change. JMP presents (...)
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    The Political Conception of Human Rights and Its Rule(s) of Recognition.Andre Santos Campos - 2022 - Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence 35 (1):95-116.
    The political conception makes sense of human rights strictly in light of their role in international human rights practice, more specifically by describing how they justify interventions against states that engage in or fail to prevent human rights violations. This conception is, therefore, normative and fact-dependent. Beyond this, it does not seem to have much to say about the actual nature of international human rights practice. The argument sustained here reinterprets the political conception by resorting to a heuristic device that (...)
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  26.  72
    Long-term urgent interests and human rights practice: a challenge to the political conception.Andre Santos Campos - 2022 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 25 (1):143-164.
  27.  9
    Grotius na interdisciplinaridade moderna entre o dereito e a filosofia política.André Santos Campos - 2009 - Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy 33 (33):95-118.
    Modern political philosophy, especially since Machiavelli, intends to uncover what politics actually is, and in order to achieve this it often needs to penetrate into disciplines not immediately related to politics and assimilate for itself additional concepts and methodologies. Thus, it appears to be interdisciplinary in the manipulation of specific conceptual instruments. Since there is a methodological shift in modernity imposing the individual person as a basic starting-point of political philosophy, which is expressed in a language of rights, the birth (...)
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    Responsibility and Justice in Aristotle’s Non-Voluntary and Mixed Actions.Andre Santos Campos - 2013 - Journal of Ancient Philosophy 7 (2):100.
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    Glosas abertas de filosofia do direito: um tronco comum para juristas e filósofos.Andre Santos Campos - 2013 - Lisboa: Quid Juris Sociedade Editora.
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  30. Introduction.Andre Santos Campos & Susana Cadilha - 2020 - In Andre Santos Campos & Susana Cadilha, Sovereignty as Value. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
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    Ayn Rand Shrugged: The Gap Between Ethical Egoism and Global Capitalism.Andre Santos Campos - 2012 - Journal of Ayn Rand Studies 12 (1):77-116.
    There is a gap between Rand 'sethical egoism and today's global capitalism on at least six points. Since her version of " capitalism : the unknown ideal" addresses none of these points, it cannot resemble the reality of today's global capitalism. The connection between Objectivist ethics and politics is preserved by a possible change in her minarchical political philosophy. This will mean that there is no necessary connection between ethical egoism and minarchism or between ethical egoism and minimal government intervention. (...)
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    José Barbosa de Sá's idea of nature, with special reference to plants.Rafael Dias da Silva Campos & Christian Fausto Moraes Dos Santos - 2015 - Scientiae Studia 13 (3):519-545.
    RESUMOEste artigo visa discutir elementos filosóficos presentes na obra de José Barbosa de Sá. Buscamos analisar o sistema de classificação botânica do autor, observando a relação com a construção de analogias e similitudes, avaliando em que medida tais ideias se coadunavam com concepções religiosas. Procuramos ainda discutir o conhecido debate sobre a reprodução vegetal no século XVIII, analisando concepções não acadêmicas. ABSTRACTThis article aims to discuss philosophical elements of the work of José Barbosa de Sá. We seek to analyze the (...)
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    Francisco Suárez’s Conception of the Social Contract.André Santos Campos - 2019 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 75 (2):1195-1218.
    This paper engages with Suárez’s writings on the origins of political power in order to ascertain whether he can be considered a social contract theorist at all. It focuses on specific details of his consent theory, namely the ‘who’, the ‘what’, the ‘how’ and the ‘what for’ of the agreements that originate government. The conclusion shows that even though his systematic treatment of contracts falls short of becoming a social contract theory in the same way as modern contractualist thinkers, he (...)
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  34.  42
    Justificatory Moral Pluralism: A Novel Form of Environmental Pragmatism.Andre Santos Campos & Sofia Guedes Vaz - 2021 - Environmental Values 30 (6):737-758.
    Moral reasoning typically informs environmental decision-making by measuring the possible outcomes of policies or actions in light of a preferred ethical theory. This method is subject to many problems. Environmental pragmatism tries to overcome them, but it suffers also from some pitfalls. This paper proposes a new method of environmental pragmatism that avoids the problems of both the traditional method of environmental moral reasoning and of the general versions of environmental pragmatism. We call it ‘justificatory moral pluralism’ – it develops (...)
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    The (Other) Boundary Problem: Conceptualizing Membership of the Demos’ Two Bodies.Andre Santos Campos - 2024 - Jus Cogens 6 (3).
    This paper intersects the literature on the democratic boundary problem with the literature on the constructivist turn in political representation to show that the boundary problem broadly construed involves a distinction between ‘the problem of inclusion’ (into pre-existing demoi and their decision-making procedures) and ‘the problem of constituting the demos’ (which involves criteria for partaking in constituent power). This distinction is consistently neglected by democratic theorists. However, it has serious implications for representative democracies because the standard answers to the boundary (...)
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  36. The Semi-Future Democracy. A Liberal Theory of the Long-term View.Andre Santos Campos - 2024 - Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
    Traditional institutions are often considered inadequate to govern for the long term as their politicians promote short-term thinking which can harm the future. This book proposes a novel theory of social time perception to address the short-term thinking of traditional institutions which threaten to stifle liberal democracies. The semi-future reconfigures liberal democracies’ franchises, representative instruments, deliberative practices, accountability mechanisms, and policymaking to include in the demos all citizens, regardless of age, and holders of representable objective interests in the future. The (...)
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    Kant on Acting from Juridical Duty.Andre Santos Campos - 2019 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 27 (4):498-514.
    ABSTRACTA much debated passage in the Metaphysics of Morals often leads commentators to believe that it is not possible to act from juridical duty. On the one hand, Kant says that all lawgiving inc...
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  38.  44
    The Idea of the Social Contract in the History of ‘Agreementism’.Andre Santos Campos - 2019 - The European Legacy 24 (6):579-596.
    ABSTRACTOne of the recurrent motifs in political thought is the idea of the social contract, according to which a society, a government, or moral principles depend for their existence on agreements...
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    Climatério e menopausa: relação da imagem corporal e sintomas associados em mulheres ribeirinhas na Amazônia.Chirlene de Souza Campos, Ana Maria Pujol Vieira dos Santos & Maria Isabel Morgan Martins - 2021 - Aletheia 54 (2):25-34.
    O climatério/menopausa é caracterizado por intensas alterações morfofisiológicas e comportamentais. O objetivo foi identificar os sinais e sintomas do climatério/menopausa e a sua relação com a Imagem corporal de mulheres ribeirinhas de uma região da Amazônia Brasileira. Estudo incluiu 100 mulheres de seis comunidades ribeirinhas de Itaituba/Pará. Os instrumentos utilizados foram: o questionário sociodemográfico, a Escala dos Sinais e Sintomas da Menopausa (MRS) e a Escala de Silhuetas de Stunkard. Para avaliar as associações entre as variáveis categóricas, o teste qui-quadrado (...)
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  40.  5
    Justiça.André Santos Campos - 2024 - Lisbon: Edições 70.
    O que é a justiça? O presente ensaio apresenta um panorama sumário das mais influentes abordagens filosóficas à justiça, privilegiando as predominantes no estado da arte no primeiro quartel do século XXI e a relevância, para quem tenciona entrar pela primeira vez nos estudos filosóficos sobre o tema, da arrumação (sobretudo, teórica e conceptual) do que se tem falado sobre justiça em filosofia política, moral e do direito. ----- What is justice? This essay presents an overview of the most influential (...)
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  41.  16
    Jus sive potentia: direito natural e individuação em Spinoza.André Santos Campos - 2010 - Lisboa: Centro de Filosofia da Universidade de Lisboa.
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    O paradoxo da liberdade política em Spinoza: Uma herança de maquiavel.André Santos Campos - 2015 - Cadernos Espinosanos 32:139.
    O “paradoxo da liberdade” consiste em esta só poder ser atingida através da obediência, a qual é vista frequentemente como o contrário da liberdade. Neste artigo, demonstrar-se-á que o paradoxo começa por nascer em Maquiavel, o qual, porém, deixa-o em aberto ao colocar a liberdade tão-só dentro de um contexto de governação. Spinoza, contudo, dará um passo em frente na sua abordagem à liberdade política. Ele aborda esta problemática diretamente nos seus dois tratados políticos e ambos expressam o mesmo entendimento (...)
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    O significado de Sui Iuris na filosofia de Spinoza.André Dos Santos Campos - 2010 - Cadernos Espinosanos 22:55.
    Na Modernidade filosófica, a expressão sui iuris torna-se comum nos textos políticos, em especial a partir do momento em que uma linguagem dos direitos subjectivos naturais se vai sedimentando e traduzindo uma certa perspectiva da liberdade individual. Assim, sui iuris é considerada expressão de direito designando um âmbito de autonomia ou independência individuais, uma espécie de espaço soberano de um direito pessoal. Em Spinoza, o sui iuris surge com frequência, mas só no Tratado Político atinge a sua máxima expressão, dentro (...)
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  44.  14
    Sovereignty as Value.Andre Santos Campos & Susana Cadilha (eds.) - 2020 - Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Through fourteen original essays, the book seeks to understand the viability of the notion of sovereignty in a globalized world, thus taking into account the inclusion of a language of rights, limitation and legitimacy. It examines sovereignty using a normative approach.
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    Machiavelli's discourses on Livy: new readings.Diogo Pires Aurélio & Andre Santos Campos (eds.) - 2021 - Boston: Brill.
    Machiavelli is known chiefly for The Prince, but his main considerations on politics are in his most profound and later work Discourses on Livy, the complexity, length and style of which have often discouraged new readers and interpreters of Machiavelli, despite its historical and theoretical importance. For this reason, the Discourses has not been given the attention it deserves. This volume of newly commissioned essays by some of the world's leading experts on Machiavelli overcomes this gap. It is the first (...)
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    Curso sobre a Origem da Vida Religiosa (1907).Geovane Campanher dos Santos, Fabiano Victor de Oliveira Campos, Rodrigo Coppe Caldeira & Émile Durkheim - 2024 - Horizonte 22 (69):226816-226816.
    Este projeto terá como premissa, traduzir os ensaios publicados entre 1887-1914 que tratam acerca da temática do _fato religioso_ e seus desdobramentos específicos na configuração das sociedades; leia-se aqui, desde seus fundamentos mais gerais até sua intrínseca correlação com o dinâmica da _moral_ (condição ultíssima para a determinação modal das _consciências coletivas_, e respectivamente, suas _solidariedades_). Com efeito, a primeira publicação que faremos será o _Curso sobre as Origens da Vida Religiosa _(1907), no qual Durkheim pretende estabelecer as definições essenciais (...)
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  47.  55
    Introduction. Elite Theory: Philosophical Challenges.Giovanni Damele & Andre Santos Campos - 2022 - Topoi 41 (1):1-5.
  48.  23
    Crítica Multiculturalista ao Liberalismo Igualitário: Contribuição a Partir do Pensamento de Charles Taylor.Volney Campos dos Santos & Alexandre Almeida Rocha - 2016 - Revista Brasileira de Filosofia do Direito 2 (2):94.
    Trata-se de pesquisa de natureza bibliográfica e de caráter exploratório, que tem por finalidade, apresentar os principais pressupostos teóricos da concepção multiculturalista de Charles Taylor. Assim, o presente trabalho visa fazer uma crítica, a partir do pensamento do filósofo Charles Taylor, ao modelo de sociedade habitualmente denominado liberalismo procedimental, ou liberalismo igualitário, no sentido de que esse modelo não corresponde, dentro de suas pretensões, a um modelo possível de sociedade livre e com padrões de justiça compatíveis com o fato do (...)
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    A Desigualdade de Gênero Na Política e a Sub-Representação Feminina Nos Parlamentos: Uma Discussão Ainda Necessária.Maxwel Gomes dos Santos & Marcelo Barroso Lima Brito de Campos - 2020 - Revista Brasileira de Filosofia do Direito 6 (2):55.
    Este artigo propõe-se a discutir, sob o paradigma do Estado Democrático de Direito, em que medida a aplicação da cota de gênero contribui para fomentar a representatividade feminina na política. Utilizam-se a pesquisa bibliográfica e o método jurídico-dedutivo. Os resultados sinalizam que não há uma correlação necessária entre o preenchimento da cota de gênero e o incremento do número de candidatas eleitas. Os resultados apontam que a superação dessa desigualdade requer a discussão de outras possibilidades, tais como reserva de vagas (...)
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    Sociedade Pós-literária E Os Desafios Da Educação Moral.Luciano Campos dos Santos - 2011 - Educação E Filosofia 25 (49):305-320.
    O objetivo desta comunicação é encetar uma discussão sobre as implicações educacionais da tese de Peter Sloterdijk, apresentada na primeira parte do livro Regras para o parque humano, de que o projeto humanista de formação do homo humanus mediante a cultura literária – que tinha em vista, principalmente, o refreamento das tendências “desinibidoras” do ser humano, responsáveis pelos diversos tipos de barbárie – desmantelou-se, de modo que é possível caracterizar a hodierna sociedade de massas, lastreada em mídias contemporâneas, tais como (...)
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